New KnowledgeOwl API documentation - and how to create your own
by Deborah Barnard

New KnowledgeOwl API documentation - and how to create your own

We're delighted to announce a complete overhaul of our API documentation! This post introduces the new docs and resources, and outlines our future plans. We hope that the new documentation will improve the experience for our API users. At the same time, this project has allowed us to start offering some support for REST API documentation in KnowledgeOwl.

Want to go straight to the docs? One thing that hasn't changed is the URL: View our API documentation Go take a look around, and please get in touch with any feedback.

Comprehensive endpoint reference

We have an all-new, comprehensive, API endpoint reference, with a fresh look and feel.

Screenshot of the new API endpoint reference

Created within KnowledgeOwl using an OpenAPI spec file and Redoc, the endpoint reference lists every endpoint and parameter in the API, presented in a popular three-column style. This greatly expands our existing endpoint documentation, organizes it into a single continuous display, and displays things with a bit of a facelift. We're incredibly excited to share it with you. 😊

Refreshed and expanded introductory material

Using the KnowledgeOwl API is a refactored introductory section, containing general usage information, including authentication. This retains information from our existing API docs, but edited to bring it in line with the style and layout of other sections of the knowledge base.

Working with APIs is a brand new section, introducing REST APIs, how to call an API using curl or Postman, and listing more learning resources. This section aims to support users who are unfamiliar with APIs.

Guidance on creating your own REST API docs in KnowledgeOwl

REST API documentation describes how to create your own endpoint reference in KnowledgeOwl, using OpenAPI and Redoc. If you liked what you saw in the screenshot above, you'll want to check this documentation out! It's the method we ourselves have used, and it allows you to create sleek API docs from your OpenAPI spec.

What's next?

We're now working on a cookbook, a collection of examples of things you can do with our API. If you have an API task you commonly do, or that you think would make a great recipe to share with our user community, please get in touch and let us know!

Deborah Barnard

Deborah is a tech writer who is passionate about readability, accessibility, and all things API-related. When she isn't writing documentation, she can generally be found trying out a new static site generator.

You can find out more about Deborah at Starfall Projects, or connect on LinkedIn.

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