How to restrict access to online documentation
by Marybeth Alexander

How to restrict access to online documentation

Knowledge base software like HelpGizmo can be used to create both external and internal knowledge bases. External knowledge bases contain public-facing content for your customers to utilize, but really anyone with the link can access it. Internal knowledge bases are designed for employees or customers with the intent that ONLY they have access to this information by way of being a customer or employee. We call this restricted access.

In order to ensure that your online content is only available to certain individuals or groups, you can utilize a variety of security features to make sure your information is only available to that audience.

IP Restriction: Great for business and schools to only allow network access

An IP address is unique identifier for the web which identifies the computer network and location. Many businesses and schools share a single or set of IP addresses so that all employees and students accessing the internet from that location share the same IP.

If you want to restrict access to your knowledge base to only employees or students, IP-based security will ensure that people can only access the information from a specified list of IP addresses.

Shared Passwords: Need to enter a password to access information

A shared password ensures that only readers with the password can access your knowledge base. While it’s a good level of security, universal passwords can be easily shared and must be changed when you don’t want people who previously had the password to access the data, like a terminated employee.

Shared passwords can be used with IP-based restriction in two ways.

  1. Make sure the reader is either accessing the information from an allowed IP address OR require the shared password. A great option to allow employees or students remote access to your knowledge base.
  2. Make sure the read is accessing the information from an allowed IP address AND require the shared password. A great option for organizations requiring a extra layer of security. Only people on your network with the password are allowed access.

Reader Logins: Administrative control and advanced customization

Don’t want your readers sharing the same password? Activate readers and you can create unique usernames and passwords for each individual reader or reader groups. Readers are powerful as you can define custom variables for each reader and use them to customize content within your knowledge base.

Reader logins provide more powerful administration options. For example, if an employee leaves the company, you can just delete their reader login rather than having to change the shared password and communicate this to all other employees. They also allow you more control over who can see and access what content.

Single Sign On: Integrate and authenticate with existing systems

If your employees or students are already logging into a separate system, you might not want to have to duplicate and manage credentials in two different systems. Many software products have begun utilizing Single Sign On or SSO technology to authenticate users using a system in which they are already set up. The benefit of this system is that you manage your users in a single location and ensure that only individuals with access to one system have access to the other.

Many people employ knowledge base software to create not only online knowledge bases but also online handbooks, manuals, training materials, documentation, and portals. For many of these people, they only want a certain audience to have access to this information. Security is a top-priority for them so it’s a top priority for us. Let us help you get your documentation online.

Marybeth Alexander

Marybeth is the Knowledge Goddess and Chief Executive Owl at KnowledgeOwl. Connect with her on LinkedIn

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